I thought I'd go ahead and put up my May Instagram Recap today. I'm not mad that May is over- it was definitely a month of highs and lows for me. For some reason that made it feel like an abnormally long so I'm excited to see it go. If you're new here-- you can find me on IG @TheKristenDiary!
Monday, May 31, 2021
Friday, May 28, 2021
I love sharing my picks with you all. Should you click on or make a purchase through the links in this post, I'll earn some money to keep on shopping! Pretty cool, huh? :)
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
My boyfriend surprised me with a little impromptu day date yesterday! He's been working almost every single day of the last several months so we've only been able to spend a few hours together here and there. I always have Tuesdays off from work so it worked out that he was also able to take the afternoon off! I didn't end up shooting any outfit content for my normal Wednesday style post so here's a little recap of our day instead.
We started off by splitting a Surf + Turf roll for an appetizer. I'm not a huge sushi person-- fish is pretty much a no-go for me. I try to make an effort to try them whenever he orders any and I do like some of the shrimp/crab ones or anything with tempura. The Surf + Turf passed the vibe check for me: cream cheese, crab + asparagus with filet and avocado on top. It also had a sriracha sauce that added a little bit of spice + extra flavor. For someone who isn't a big sushi person, I would eat it again! My boyfriend's a lot more adventurous than I am-- I think he liked it too but I got the impression it wasn't his favorite. 😜
The rest of the afternoon consisted of walking around + doing some shopping to burn off our lunch! I didn't find too much, just a few snacks from Target. Ya'll I've been OBSESSED with these dark chocolate almonds so I picked up the himalayan salt ones to try. After that, we went grocery shopping and watched the next Fast & Furious movie. If you missed it, we've been watching all of them on the weekends. We watched Fast & Furious 6 tonight and then had a late dinner. JJ grilled steak + asparagus and we shared a twice baked potato and gorgonzola + pear salad. I wasn't joking that my days usually just revolve around food! 🤣 JJ also put new wiper blades on my car for me, does that count as exciting? It was for me! Lol!
Monday, May 24, 2021
We all go through times in life where we're feeling uninspired or lacking motivation. It's perfectly normal to not always feel normal -- NO ONE has their shit together 100% of the time. Between the day-to-day stresses of life, falling into a rut or feeling blah at times seems inevitable. Whether it's work-related or personal, here are some tips that I use to deal + find to be really helpful.
Being hard on yourself for this only makes things worst. Acknowledging that you're going through a temporary setback + knowing it won't last forever gives you the permission to process and (eventually) move on. When I'm feeling burned out, stressed or overwhelmed with something, I like to take a step back and distance myself from it. This not only helps provide clarity on what is causing you to feel uninspired, it gives you time to re-charge and learn new ways to avoid or handle it in the future.
Whether it's watching a guilty pleasure or ordering from your favorite restaurant, do something just for you. When I'm feeling off, I give myself permission to indulge and treat myself a little. There isn't much that a tv marathon, delicious food and a bubble bath can't help cure! Obviously you don't want to go overboard with this one, however enjoying something you might not normally brings a lot of excitement and can help to pull you out of a rut.
If I'm lacking motivation or ideas, sometimes it's as simple as finding inspiration through others or the internet. I look to the people I follow on social media to uplift and inspire me, watch YouTube videos and browse articles/blog posts online. Seeing someone else's perspective or content is often motivating and feels like a breathe of fresh air.
It's easy to become a creature of habit and conform to our daily routines. While I love having structure and to-do lists to stay on track and be productive, life can become mundane and often lead us into feeling uninspired and unmotivated. The saying goes "You can't keep doing the same thing over and over again, but expect different results."
Let's revise that by mixing things up once in awhile! Whether it's on a work project or a date night, think outside the box and give something new a try. This is something I often have a hard time with and need to challenge myself to do more of. I am definitely guilty of wanting to stay in my comfort zone, however when you branch out + it works, it brings new excitement and energy to life!
This one may not be everyone's cup of tea, however I find reading really helps to re-inspire and pull me out of my moods. If I'm feeling unmotivated or stuck when it comes to work or life, I find self-help and personal growth books to be insightful and encouraging. If it's more personal, I'll go for something on the fun + fictional side. Books have always been a great escape from the stresses of everyday life for me.
What do you do to help deal? Comment below, we can all use more tips!
I love sharing new content + style with you all. Should you click on or make a purchase through the links in this post, I'll earn some money to keep on shopping! Pretty cool, huh? :)
Friday, May 21, 2021
Back in January, I put up a post titled Money Moves I'm Making in 2021. This outlined the top financial goals + priorities I set for myself at the beginning of the year. I decided that I wanted to really hone-in and focus on improving my finances in 2021. I've always been financially responsible and "good with money," however I want to go beyond the basics and just saving money. I've been challenging myself to really be intentional with my spending and to create a purpose + plan for my dollars. Like with anything in life, our finances are an area that I think we can always continue to grow, adapt and improve upon!
To keep things simple, I'm going to separate which goals I've accomplished (financial "hits") of 2021 and the areas that I think I need to expand or improve upon (aka "misses").
- 2020 ROTH IRA contributions
- Monthly emergency fund savings
- Opened an individual brokerage account
- Opened a high-yield savings account
- Tracking my spending daily + creating monthly budgets
- Switched to a cash back credit card
- 2021 ROTH IRA contributions
- Funding + investing individual brokerage account
- Finding a place/purpose for every dollar
- Exploring cryptocurrencies
That's a quick overview of how some of my financial goals are coming along for the year! I hope you all enjoy these types of posts- I love talking about the topic of money & finance. I get a lot of inspiration and insight from others so I'm just hoping to pass some of that along to you :) As always, feel free to share your thoughts + catch up with my on IG (@TheKristenDiary).
Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Monday, May 17, 2021
A few months back, I decided to splurge on the Agent Nateur HOLI(TRINITY) Travel Set. If you're unfamiliar with Agent Nateur, it's a luxurious skincare and wellness brand that focuses on creating effective formulas made of non-toxic, natural ingredients. I discovered both the line and founder of Agent Nateur, Jena Covello on Instagram last year. Jena has incredible knowledge and insight when it comes to holistic health and wellness. She also has a very captivating presence-- I admire her glamorous, intelligent and authentic personality!
Seeking out clean, non-toxic alternatives is something that I have been working to incorporate into my life. Within the past several years, I've noticed some minor skin issues arise on my face and scalp that I can never seem to get rid of! While I can't confirm they've been caused from toxic products, I made the decision that it can't hurt to transition to as many clean, natural products as possible. This is where Agent Nateur comes in! I became obsessed with the idea of trying out their products. Not only are they clean and non-toxic, the customer reviews are outstanding. I finally bit the bullet and purchased the Holi(Trinity) Travel Set to try-- here's what I think so far!
The Holi(Trinity) Collection includes three of Agent Nateur's best selling products: Holi(Water) Pearl and Rose Hyaluronic Essence, the Holi(C) The C Duo Calcium & Vitamin C and Holi(Oil) Refining Ageless Face Serum. The three products have been created to use together in order to achieve a radiant complexion. Here's how each product works:
Holi(Water) Pearl and Rose Hyaluronic Essence
"Restore your skin’s brilliance with holi (water). This lush serum uses organic plant extracts, precious minerals, and natural acid to improve the skin’s elasticity, tighten pores, and gently remove expired cells to reveal a hydrated, dewy glow."
Holi(C) The C Duo Calcium & Vitamin C
"holi (c) is calcium and vitamin C in their most stable, potent state. Our unique dry powder formula won’t oxidize, ensuring that you receive all of its regenerative benefits. Blend with our holi (water) to improve the texture of acne-prone skin, restore firmness, and reveal an ageless radiance."
Holi(Oil) Refining Ageless Face Serum
"Revive your complexion with holi (oil). This youth-illuminating serum contains natural ingredients rich in essential nutrients, antioxidants, and hydrating oils that reduce the appearance of aging, leaving skin supple, lifted, and luminous."
Rather than giving an official review, I wanted to share some general thoughts + "first impressions" on these products. I'll be honest with you guys-- the products are VERY pricey. So much so that I haven't wanted to use them every single day and run out! Because I purchased the travel size, I knew that if I used them every single day and loved them, they would run out quickly and I'd want to purchase them in the full-size. This is the first time I've ever purchased skincare in this price range so it's new + definitely a splurge to me! 😉
I follow the application steps listed on the box: first spray and apply Holi(Water), mix more Holi(Water) + Holi(C) and apply, then finish with Holi(oil). I believe you can use them day + night, however I've mostly used during the daytime.
Holi(Water) - The first thing I notice after applying the Holi(Water) Pearl and Rose Hyaluronic Essence is a slight tightening of my skin. The effect is instant, giving a more firmed and toned complexion. I absolutely love this! It doesn't feel irritating or aggravating at all, it's similar in feeling to when you wash your skin with cold water + your pores close up. Odd to describe but amazing-- it's a very unique product!
Holi(C) - Because I mix the Holi(C) Calcium and Vitamin Duo with the Holi(Water), I still feel the same tightening effect after applying the two together. The Holi(C) is a powdered formula which is also very unique- most Vitamin C products are already in a serum or liquid form. You have to mix this one with the Holi(Water) or some form of liquid to activate the ingredients. It mixes up very easily + absorbs into the skin well. After applying these two products, I can notice a subtle radiance to my skin! It doesn't look greasy, just a subtle shine.
Holi(Oil) - Applying the Holi(Oil) Refining Ageless Face Serum overtop the other products gives a healthy glow and leaves my skin feeling incredibly soft and supple. The first few times I tried this, it left my skin feeling greasy and it seemed to take forever to absorb. I kept hearing Jena share that it doesn't leave your skin with a greasy residue so I assumed I was using too much. Now I just apply 4-5 drops to my whole face and it absorbs a lot faster and doesn't look greasy or shiny. Once it completely absorbs, my skin feels baby soft and very hydrated.
Here are some un-filtered photos I took after using for the first time.
My consensus is- so far, I love! I've really enjoyed using the products and I think it does make my skin more radiant and refined. I haven't used it long enough consistently to see whether it affects any lines or how the long-term effects are, however I'm very happy with the Holi (Trinity) together. Each product also has a very unique, floral scent that is nice. It isn't overpowering or bothersome to me-- some fragrance can be too intense but this one is subtle once applied.
The packaging + brand also feels very luxe and high-quality. Each product (even the travel sized ones in my set) are in glass bottles which I appreciate. The process of applying the products is nice too-- it makes me feel a little special and a little fancy!
While expensive, I do think the quality + ingredients are definitely worth the price of each product. The results show and the peace of mind that the ingredients are safe and non-toxic is important. With anything in life-- whether it be beauty, food, etc., the healthier or "good for you" the product is, the more it usually costs. I'm still trying to hype myself up to splurge on the full-sizes, though ;) My problem is I also want to try everything else!
Have you tried out anything from Agent Nateur? If so, I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Friday, May 14, 2021
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
Let me know your thoughts on this-- should we do more quizzes/polls? Growing up, that was one of my favorite things in all of the teeniest bopper magazines, lol. Nothing like J-Mag telling you who your celebrity crush is! Hope you are having a great week!
Monday, May 10, 2021
I can't believe that it's already been three months since posting my first "Weekly To-Do List" here on the blog. In that post, I shared a round-up of the top five goals (outside of work) that I wanted to accomplish that week! I'm big on making lists-- I love writing down everything I want or need to do and crossing them off once they're done. I like to make bullet points in the notes app on my phone! It helps keep me organized and prioritize the things that are very important or that may not be part of my normal routine. With a busy week ahead, I wrote out the top tasks I want to get done this week. Some are important and time sensitive, others are very simple!
- BUY A BIRTHDAY GIFT - My sister has a birthday this week! I've already started buying for her birthday, however I still need to find her a main present and put everything together.
- LAUNDRY + CHANGE SHEETS - Three months later and I still hate changing my sheets, lol. The washing part isn't actually too bad, it's the folding or putting them on the bed for me! My mom still tells me all the time that "you're suppose to change them every week" so I'm penciling it in! Maybe one day it will become second nature for me! I also need to catch up on washing some clothes too.
- TARGET ORDER PICKUP - I probably didn't have to include this but I figured it's an exciting one, hehe!! Target enticed me to place a pickup order online today with a $15 off $50 coupon! If you're a Target shopper-- those are few and far between! You really just can't say no. 🤓 I ended up ordering a few new beauty items, a cat toy and some snackies/groceries. I bought Gold Fish pretzels which I've never tried!
- PLAN + SHOOT BLOG POSTS - I'm still putting up new blog posts on here every Monday, Wednesday and Friday! I always aim to put up one outfit post a week so shooting some blog photos for that is on the agenda for Tuesday.
- UPDATE BUDGET + FINANCES - I'm a little bit behind on updating my spending + budget in my Budget by Paycheck Workbook. Hoping to get caught up on those this week and take care of a few more financial things as well.
- WASH MY HAIR - I feel silly including this because obviously I was my hair every week! For years I've only washed it about once a week (normally the less you do the better), however I've been dealing with a lot of dry + itchy scalp issues. Washing more frequently can help so I'm going to give two or three times a week a shot. Washing/styling my hair "from scratch" is pretty time consuming so I think this one will be a little tricky for me.
- ROTH IRA CONTRIBUTION - This is the final week to make any last minute contributions to a ROTH IRA/Traditional IRA for the 2020 year. I tend to spread my contributions out so I have one last little bit to add in this week! For more info on this, check out this post on Why You Need to Open a ROTH IRA Now.
Friday, May 7, 2021
I've been in the shopping mood this week! If you missed Wednesday's post, it was this mini Healthy & Beauty Haul. That one is a little more health/wellness so I still have my eye on a few more products! PS-- I said this last week but #TGIF!!! I've been in such a mood this week (hello, PMS). I've definitely had a lot less patience with everyone and I've been super snacky too. I think my sister knew I needed a little pick me up because she gave me a mini bundt cake today from Nothing Bundt Cakes. LOL, the struggle. Have you tried them before? Ours recently opened so I've only had the Confetti + a bite of my boyfriend's Pecan Praline! So yummy 😋
1. L'oreal Infallible Pro-Glow Foundation (Normal/Dry Skin) - This looks like it could be a great summer foundation! I'm always down to try something new and I need to explore more drugstore options. The L'oreal Prow-Glow is made to be long-wearing, give a glowy finish and has SPF 15. All of these sound great for hot weather! If your skin tends to be more oily, they also have a Pro-Matte Foundation from the same line.
2. Pixi by Petra Correction Concentrate - I also love using an under eye brightener whenever I wear makeup. They are great to cover + correct dark circles and shadows around the eye area. My holy-grail has always been the MAC Radiant Rose but I've been wanting to try this one out! The Pixi Correction Concentrate looks like the perfect salmony peach shade and is a lot more affordable than the one from MAC.
3. Aveeno Apple Cider Vinegar Blend Shampoo - Alright, I'm still trying to figure out the deal with my hair. I've been trying some products to help with the dryness but it seems to be never-ending. I've also noticed a lot more flyaways and frizziness! I'm going to try washing it more frequently (right now I do about once a week). I thought incorporating a clarifying shampoo to help get rid of any buildup could help so I found this Aveeno Shampoo. It has apple cider vinegar andcolloidal oat to balance, soothe and add shine.
4. Wet Brush Detangler Hair Brush - I figure I may as well get a new hairbrush too, right?? The Wet Brush is my absolute favorite- it's the only brush I've used for the last several years! You can use it on wet or dry hair which is both easy and a no-brainer to me. I haven't replaced mine in a LONG TIME... ya'll Google says to get a new one EVERY SIX MONTHS. That might be a little aggressive but I figure it's probably time. If not, it'll turn into six years with the rate I'm going at! Jokes aside, you need one of these ASAP.
5. scunci Basics Extra Large Jaw Clip - Anyone else struggle with hair ties not keeping your hair up/in a bun? Ya'll I LOVE my hair but she really is trying me right now. I find myself re-doing/fixing my hair a million times a day because it starts to fall out of my ponytail holders. I borrowed one of my sister's clips and it seemed to hold well so I'm gonna snag this scunci Extra Large Jaw Clip! It looks large enough to hold my hair so for $5 we'll give it a shot!
6. Beekeepers B.Immune Propolis Throat Spray - I have been dying to order and try this! I have to credit Laura Beverlin because I found this from her! It's the Beekeepers B.Immune Throat Spray to help build immune support, soothe a scratchy throat and kill germs. It has Bee Propolis which has a lot of great health benefits from fighting bacteria, cancer and more. I also like that it's a natural product and you just spritz a few sprays in your throat daily. I found it here so I'm adding it to my next online order.
7. e.l.f. 16HR Camo Concealer - The e.l.f. Camo Concealer is the last thing on my list! I need a new concealer and this one has been said to rival the Tarte Shape Tape! That one is a holy-grail but it's around $30 and this e.l.f. one is under $6! Have you tried it?
That's the list for today! I'm sure there will be another one soon, LOL. A girl's gotta shop, right? Hope you all have the best weekend. I can't wait to watch the next Fast & The Furious on Saturday, we should be watching #4! Also excited to spend time with my mom on Mother's Day. Talk to you next week! :)
Wednesday, May 5, 2021
Do you ever get excited to buy/restock everyday necessities like tooth paste or deodorant?? I use to hate spending money on them but honestly I love it now. I feel so accomplished using something up and it just feels like you're taking care of biz, ya know?? Adulthood is a willllldddddd ride. Real talk though-- should we be alarmed by this? Do we think this is normal? Are we OK? LOL... 😬
Target had a promo going on this week so I decided to stock up on a few things. Every once in awhile you can find coupons or sales on a lot of household essentials! I usually try to take advantage of these + pick up things I'm out of or know I'll need later. Today's haul is mix of repurchases and some new things I'm excited to try!
St. Ives Oatmeal & Shea Butter Plant-Based Natural Body Wash Soap
This one is a newbie for me! I don't have a go-to body wash so I picked the St. Ives Oatmeal & Shea Butter one to try. I'm still doing my best to purchase products with better ingredients and the St. Ives looks cleaner than a lot of other drugstore options. It is natural, plant-based and paraben free. All sound like a plus, no? Smells yummy too!
hello Antiplaque and Whitening Fluoride Free Toothpaste
Alright this is my first time purchasing what I will call "a healthier toothpaste." My ride or die is this Colgate Optic White. I have no complaints (works great!) but have always thought about trying a fluoride free alternative. I'll be honest-- the whole idea makes me a little nervous/skeptical? I feel like it's in the same grouping with natural deodorants. You hear mixed reviews on how effective they actually are but I'm curious enough to give it a shot! I researched a few and decided to try the hello Antiplaque and Whitening Fluoride Free Toothpaste. It has great ratings (4.7 out of 5 on Target!) and is clean (no parabens, phthalates or sulfates). I always like a whitening option too so that sealed the deal. I'll let you know what I think!
Steripod Clip-on Toothbrush Cover
Do you have one of these Steripod Toothbrush Covers? They are an all-time favorite of mine! You just clip it right over your toothbrush head! It helps keep it fresh + protects from dirt, germs, etc. Just think about keeping your toothbrush uncovered in the same room that you use the toilet.... no brainer for me, haha! They're also super affordable. You can buy a single one here or grab the two-pack for another $1. It's a better value to buy the two-pack so that's what I do!
Orabrush by DenTek Tongue Cleaner
We're really going all out with the dental hygiene today, lol. I recently read an article about how helpful tongue scrapers are on removing germs so I grabbed this one from DenTek. I've always just brushed my tongue but since I use a Sonicare, I thought it might be good to have a separate cleaner. If you use a regular toothbrush-- a lot of the rubber ones have a scraper on the backside! Hoping it won't make me gag!
Nature Made Vitamin C 250mg Gummies
I saved the best for last! I'm obsessed with these Vitamin C Gummies-- they are SO good, haha. They're an easy way to get some extra Vitamin C in everyday + taste like candy. I'm sure there are some healthier versions out there but they keep me motivated enough to take everyday. Win in my book! I'll link them here.
Do you like little random hauls like this? Not sure if you all enjoy this kind of stuff too or if it's just me? Let me know! :)
Monday, May 3, 2021
Oh emm gee, it's officially May! It never ceases to amaze me how time flies. Let's kick this week off with a little April Instagram Recap! If you're not following me on IG, you can find me @TheKristenDiary. I post almost daily on my feed and story... come chat with me :) April's posts were a mix of fashion, food + beauty!