Monday, January 6, 2025


For 2025, I've decided to take a different approach when it comes to my new year's resolutions + yearly goals. Instead of placing so much emphasis on my overall goals, I'm taking more of a micro approach and honing in on smaller, monthly goals. Many of these fall under the umbrella of some of my larger goals, however will hopefully be more concrete, sustainable + enjoyable. 

I fully believe it's important to define your goals and write them down- if you don't know where you're headed, you'll never get there. That being said, I find myself often feeling overwhelmed by everything I hope to do, be, see and accomplish. I once heard that you overestimate what you can do in a year and underestimate what you can do in ten. Over the last few years, I've started to trust myself and the process of life more. By relinquishing control (or the need to be in control) of certain things, they usually work themselves out even faster. I've also noticed the more at ease and in flow I am, the more everything seems to just work out for me. 

I'm starting January off in the same way- excited about the new year but not in a hurry to make everything happen at once. My plan is to just ease my way in while still being intentional. I have four mini goals on my agenda: 


+MOVE MY BODY - I had to take a little break from working out and keeping up with my 10,000 steps per day over the last few months which has lowered my "normal" daily activity. It's actually been nice to have a little break- before that, I was so focused on maintaining my daily step streak that in many ways, it was a self-created stressor in my life. I do think it's important for our health to have daily movement and aiming for 10K+ per day is a good baseline, however my focus has now shifted to being more about the movement and activity versus my step count. This week I'm getting back into the gym and once the weather warms up a bit, I plan to start walking outside again. The overall goal is to just starting moving more + working my way back to normal. 

+MORE PROTEIN, LESS SUGAR - Sugar and snackies get me in trouble and after the holidays, we need a little separation lol. This month I'm prioritizing more protein, a few extra veggies and less "junk." 

+READ TWO BOOKS - I haven't had the best track record with reading books over the past several years. I go in phases where I'll read two or three at a time and then nothing else for months. I'm hoping to create a little bit of consistency this year by challenging myself to read at least two books per month. It can be any genre I want but I'm shooting for at least one personal growth book if possible. For January, I plan on finishing this cute rom-com I started before Christmas and also want to try and pick another from current unread book collection. 

+WHITEN TEETH - I specifically added this to my January list because 1- I've been wanting to whiten my teeth and 2- I am always bad about stopping halfway through. I use these whitening strips but I always find myself making it three or four days and then I either forget or I skip. I know it's best to complete a full cycle all at once so to make it happen, I'm making it a goal. Tonight will be my sixth day so I'm almost halfway through! 

What are your goals for January?

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