Wednesday, January 1, 2025

HELLO 2025!

Happy New Year!! We made it to the other side and it’s time for a fresh start. I love the possibilities of a new year- I definitely have a list of goals I want to work towards in 2025! I spent most of today just relaxing at home and enjoying time off from work.

I’m really looking to January 2nd as my first official start day when it comes to goals, however I did jump on a few little things today. Over the last year, I’ve shifted my mindset about the new year in a few ways. I still think it’s a great time to begin something new and prioritize goals, however it doesn’t have to start off super intense in my book. The Kristen from a few years back would have been adamant about doing all of X, Y and Z right this second at lighting speed. 

Now I keep more of a slow and steady wins the race approach. I saw this week that you’re much more likely to accomplish goals if you write them down, however most people give up on their resolutions by January 15th. On the radio they said it’s now called “National Quitters Day” which is crazy, lol. The key is to be consistent- you’re capable of more than you think if you just stick with it long enough. 

I also fully embrace the idea of a soft winter now. Just like in nature, the colder months are a good time to “hibernate” and rest. For me this means resting, taking care of myself and focusing on what feels good. I will still work on goals, just in a way that aligns with this mentality. 

I’ll do a separate post with my goals- right now I’m focused more on what I want to take care of in January but I always have a few yearly resolutions in mind too. 

I hope you had a fun, safe NYE and enjoyed ringing in the new year. I spent mine enjoying Japanese food and staying in with family at home. I did try my hand at bartending this year and whipped up some S’mores martinis! I need to buy some actual cocktail glasses but they were yum! 

Here is to what I hope will be our best year yet. Regardless of how your 2024 may have gone, it’s a blessing to have lived through it, see it close out and to be present for the start of a new one. I feel a new sense of excitement for 2025- here we go!