Friday, October 6, 2023


I love shopping at small, speciality grocery stores. In my town, we have a local shop that carries a great selection of natural food items and cleaner, less processed brands. It's always fun to browse around and find something new to try out. I'm also a big believer in shopping small + local when you can! I stopped in this week so I thought I'd share a little mini "healthy" snack haul of what I picked up. Ya'll know I love my snackies! 

Something new I grabbed that I can't wait to try are these Cinnamon Sugar Space Balls from Lesser Evil. How cute and fun, right? I'm obsessed with their popcorn (the Himalayan Gold is my fave and SO good) and I usually love anything cinnamon sugar. They remind me of those cheese puffs we all use to eat when we were kids, haha. For such simple, clean ingredients, all of the products that I've tried from them taste great. Another one my favorite snack brands is Quinn. I picked up a new bag of the Peanut Butter Filled Pretzels which I always love. The Sea Salt Pretzel Sticks are really good too if you can find them! 

Alright, let's talk bars. I'm obsessed with these Simple Mills Almond Flour Bars. They are SO good, ya'll. I've tried a couple different flavors, I like the Banana Bread best. It's nutty, a little chewy and has a great flavor. I also thought I'd give Bobo a try today, too. I've actually been really curious about the Oat Bites for the longest time but they only had these Oat Bars. I chose the PB Dark Chocolate flavor which I'm excited to try. 

Okay now I don't really consider tea itself to be a snack but 'tis the season. Maybe with an oat bar though, that could be good. Lol. Regardless, something switched on in my brain this week and I'm back in my hot beverage girl era. I love making a hot bevvy right before bed. It's a nice way to relax and unwind at the end of the day. I've also been adding in my magnesium + dream dust which I think has been making me get sleepy a lot sooner. I've been using the Traditional Medicinals Nighty Night Tea so I picked up a new box of it, the Nighty Nighty Extra and the Dandelion Chai Probiotic

I hope ya'll enjoyed my little mini haul. Most of these items you can find in regular grocery stores too but I'll also link everything here in my Amazon storefront

What's your go-to snack? 

I love sharing my picks with you! Should you click on or make a purchase through the links in this post, I'll earn some money to keep on shopping. Pretty cool, huh? :)