Wednesday, March 29, 2023


Moon-juice-supplements-Adaptogens-haul-super you-dream-dust-magnesium-The-Kristen-Diary-blog

My body's been asking for a little extra TLC lately so I've been trying to prioritize all things health + wellness. I ended up placing a Moon Juice order last week for some of the supplements I shared in my recent Health + Wellness Wants post. If you're also into vitamins + supplements like me, here's a little haul of what I picked up. I'm excited about this order because everything I bought is suppose to help improve sleep and/or stress. Those are always two of the biggest obstacles I feel like I battle when it comes to my overall health. I'm a habitual night owl so I really have to challenge myself to get the proper amount of sleep. Even on the nights I do go to bed "on time," a lot of the times I'm restless and don't sleep well. 

One thing that's really helped is my Oura ring. I've had it for about a year now and I love all of the insight it gives me on my sleeping patterns. It's a wearable ring that monitors your sleep, activity, heart rate, etc. Each day it gives you a score from 0-100 on how you slept the night before, your readiness for the day + more. My scores usually fall in the 60-70 range which is in the fair to good range. My goal is to one day be consistently in the 90s! If you're curious about the ring itself, my Oura Ring Unboxing post has lots more info. 

This is my first time ever ordering or trying anything from Moon Juice. I've seen a few influencers share their products before and I like that the brand is a little more holistic and uses clean ingredients. 

Because I haven't been sleeping well, I decided to pick up both the Dream Dust and Magnesi-Om adaptogens. Adaptogens are plant-based substances like herbs, roots and mushrooms. Both of these are blends to help relaxation and better sleep. Magnesi-Om has a blend of different magnesiums as well as L-Theanine. Dream Dust targets deep rest and is made up of several different herbs, including ashwagandha, chamomile and more. 

I've also heard great things about their SuperYou supplement which is intended to help manage stress and boost energy + mood. I wouldn't say I'm constantly stressed out, however I definitely have my days as I'm sure you do. Somedays I also feel more drained and unfocused, especially in the mornings. I definitely think it can't hurt + I feel good about it being a natural product. 

+ Dream Dust: "Adaptogens for sleep. Deep, tranquil rest.

Dream Dust® is a tranquil blend of adaptogens and herbs that target stress for relief of tension to promote deep, tranquil rest.* Informed by Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda, this Moon Dust® combines Ashwagandha, Jujube, Polygala, Chamomile, and Schisandra."

+ Magnesi-Om: "Meditation you can sip. Relaxation, brain health & sleep.

Every cell in the body needs Magnesium to function and over 50% of us are deficient. Magnesi-Om® contains 3 bioavailable forms of Magnesium plus L-Theanine to help restore cellular balance for relaxation, sleep, brain health, and regularity.* Chelated Magnesium Gluconate and Acetyl Taurinate support muscle relaxation and cognitive function, while Magnesium Citrate supports regular bowel movements.* L-Theanine promotes alpha‑wave activity in the brain, shown to encourage a focused calm.* Our natural magnesium powder supplement instantly dissolves in water, tastes like berries, and is sweetened with monk fruit."

+ SuperYou: "Daily stress management. Energy, mood & focus. 

SuperYou® is your daily defense to help reduce the effects of stress to improve energy, mood, and focus.* Our clinical strength formula helps reduce cortisol by 24% for proactive and reactive stress support.* Four potent adaptogens traditionally used in Ayurveda and TCM help alleviate the emotional, mental, hormonal, and physical manifestations of stress.*

When the stress response activates, Ashwagandha comes in to help regulate cortisol and reduce irritability.* As stress continues, energy gets depleted. Rhodiola in SuperYou® is traditionally used to reduce fatigue and increase alertness.* Prolonged periods of stress can impact hormones and skin. Shatavari is traditionally used for healthy hormonal balance, while Amla helps protect skin from oxidative stress.*"

I can't wait to start using these! I'm a big fan of supplements and I'm crossing my fingers that I'll see some improvement with sleep. I've always been leering of taking sleep aids but natural herbs + clean ingredients make me feel much more comfortable. I'll definitely update you if they are life-changing!


I love sharing my picks with you all! Should you click on or make a purchase through the links in this post, I'll earn some money to keep on shopping! Pretty cool, huh? :)