Monday, May 16, 2022


Since we're halfway through May, I've been reflecting on my yearly progress and what my current goals + intentions are. I've been slacking a bit lately and have caught myself pushing aside a lot of these over the last few months. It seems like very time I turn around we're talking about goal setting and consistency here on the blog... we are in the midst of learning it's easy to lose them if you let up. Despite that, it's also normal to need a break sometimes too. If you ever find yourself feeling overwhelmed or going through an off season, it's okay to stumble or have to start again. I've found myself going through one of those times lately-- the ebbs and flows.

I always seem to find myself back at my list of the ongoing goals and improvements I hope to make in my life. Whether physically, mentally or emotionally, the list never seems to stop. I'll share some of the small habits I'm working to slowly reincorporate back into my daily routine. If you're looking to build a new habit, starting small seems to be the key. It's like working out at the gym-- you have to keep taking small, consistent action to build up muscle. Baby steps!

+ BACK ON THE VITAMINS - My vitamin routine has been all over the place lately. I missed a few days during the holidays last year and it's been inconsistent ever since. I've always been the most successful in taking them when I keep my pill organizer with me everywhere. It's a simple step that doesn't seem like a big deal but makes a world of difference for me. To get back into my routine, I'm going to start filling it up every Sunday so I'm prepped for the week ahead. 

+ DRINK MORE WATER - I don't think I've ever managed to successfully "drink water" in the way we're told to. It definitely hasn't been a long term habit for me... it's one of those things I've started for a few days and dropped later. Like with the vitamins, I'm going to take the approach of setting myself up for success by being prepared. For Easter I was gifted this Yeti rambler which I love... isn't the color amazing? I'm going to shoot for filling it up everyday + bringing to work. I started off strong today but will keep you posted on how it goes. 

+ READ MY BIBLE - I shared my new Bible with you all in this post which I love. I just started reading Genesis and long-term, I hope to read the whole text entirely and on a daily basis. I need to come up with a schedule for reading both the Bible and other books... do you have a system that works for you? I'm thinking if I set a goal to read X number of pages per day, it will be more doable. 

+ KEEP IT CLEAN - There is a huge correlation between how we feel and our environment. It's all too easy to push off cleaning up around the house or doing "chores" when you feel tired and exhausted from work. I will be the first to admit that when I get home at night, the LAST thing on my mind is cleaning up. I'm bad about pushing things off but I've noticed I feel significantly more relaxed and at ease in a tidier, organized space. The same goes for my car too! I talked a bit about this here, but I feel so much better mentally when my car is clean. As of now I will just do laundry or pick up sporadically so once again, I think I need a designated day or time for this. Seems to be a theme, huh? 

+ INVESTING - Another goal I have for the next few months is to hone in a little bit more on investing. With inflation, the stock market has taken a huge hit right now. I follow a lot of financial blogs + groups and the general consensus is to keep investing right now if you're able to ("buy the dips.") I'm normally pretty hands off when it comes to investing but I'm going to try to engage a little bit more while things have declined. 

+ SELF CARE - Last but certainly not least is being intentional with self care. I have also learned that this is a constant revolving door in our lives. It often looks different, however taking care of ourselves should be a top priority. It's so easy to forget that or put other things first. A lot of my other goals wrap into this one too  but being mindful of it first and foremost is essential. 

What are some of your goals right now? 

I love sharing my unboxings with you all! Should you click on or make a purchase through the links in this post, I'll earn some money to keep on shopping! Pretty cool, huh? :)