Friday, August 20, 2021


Last month I finished watching the rest of the The Karate Kid movies with my boyfriend but we're still working our way through The Sopranos. We're only on S1 so we have a long way to go, however I thought I'd update you with what else I've been watching this month. If you want to see What I Watched in July, I'll link the post here for you. 


+ Twilight Series - Alright I knowwwwwww what you're thinking BUT like the rest of the world, I had to relive my high school years after Netflix dropped the entire series on us this summer. Despite cringing my way through Twilight, I persevered and will be starting Breaking Dawn: Part 2 tonight thankyouverymuch. To be fair- they've always been awkward as hell. We knew it then, we know it now. WE KNOW. Don't hate the players, hate the game! ðŸ¤“

+ Black Widow - If you're into superhero/Marvel/Avengers/DC Comics vibes, you'll love this one. My dad and I both enjoy them so we went to watch this one together on the big screen. TBH, I haven't kept up with all of the most recent Avengers movies so I might need to add that marathon to my list? I went into this one blindly so I had no idea what to expect besides it being about Scarlett Johansson's character. While her connection with the other Avengers and the previous films was mentioned, it mostly focuses on her pre-Avengers past, childhood + family connections. Scarlett always impresses + I thought she killed her role. I liked getting to know her character better + loved her sister! Hopefully she'll make an appearance in future films too. 

+ Free Guy - Other than seeing a preview for this one awhile back, I also had no clue what to expect. All I remembered was Ryan Reynolds putting sunglasses on and entering some alternative reality video game. Honestly that feels like forever ago too?? Makes sense with all of the movie releases getting pushed back. That's pretty much what happens except it turns out his character lives within the video game. There's an interesting plot + good character development. This one also had some interesting twists but was fun, light-hearted and feel-good! While totally different, it reminded me of both Ready Player One and The Lego Movie. Loved the casting choices too!

The list is short + sweet today. I keep telling myself I'm going to start watching more shows + movies but I never get around to it. Since I'll be done with my Twilight marathon, what should I watch next? LMK what you've been streaming! 

I love sharing what I'm watching with you all! Should you click on or make a purchase through the links in this post, I'll earn some money to keep on shopping! Pretty cool, huh? :)