In the spirit of February and Valentine's Day, I thought I'd share nine different books to read in the love + relationship space. A few of the books on this list I've already read, the rest piqued my interest enough for future reads. I haven't really dove too far into the "love and romance" book genre, however I find a lot of content I see about dating and relationships online to be super interesting and engaging. Reading wise I tend to gravitate towards more self-help, goal setting + personal improvement. That being said, it feels a little fun and festive to throw something new into the mix this month. I love embracing the holidays and theming whatever it is I'm reading or watching around them! Valentine's Day in particular has always been a fun one for me.
All of these have great topics and interesting angles when it comes to dating + relationships. A few also hone in on our own personal relationship with ourself. Love that! In a lot of ways I guess these do cross over into "personal development" territory and for good reason: you have to love yourself well before you can love others. If you're looking to enrich your relationships in life, I think that all of these are great picks. I'm trying to decide which one I want to read next...
The 5 Love Languages has been un-read on my shelf for at least two or three years now- maybe it's the month to finally crack it open? Lol. I'm also gravitating towards The Mastery of Love, I always love a little added wisdom!
You can read the synopsis + shop each book by clicking on the title below:
+ The Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz
+ The Art of Seduction by Robert Greene
+ 8 Rules of Love by Jay Shetty
+ Attached by Amir Levine and Rachel Heller
+ It Begins with You by Jillian Turecki
+ The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman
+ Why Men Love Bitches by Sherry Argov