Wednesday, January 29, 2025


In honor of yours truly (I turned 31 today!)- here's a little "what I want for my birthday." I always feel the need to preface these wish lists with a disclaimer that this is a to-me, from-me kind of list. I never ask for anything when it comes to birthdays and holidays and that's also why I only post these on the day-of (hehe), however I do love a little treat myself moment. I think special occasions are a good opportunity to splurge a bit if I can swing it! Most of the items on this list are more splurgy items I've been eyeing for awhile-- some you might recognize from previous "what I want" posts. 

The shopper in me loves discovering new things and it's also fun content to share here with you! If I buy anything, my top pick right now is the Omnilux Contour Mask- I've had it on my wish list for close to two years now. It also seems like a fitting gift for a birthday- a little anti-aging to combat the day, no? I'm also obsessed with these sunglasses- they are so so good. What would be your pick? It's kind of a lost cause trying to pick a favorite item from your own wish list, lol. 

On a sentimental note, I'm grateful for another trip around the sun today. Getting to celebrate and spend time with my family is my favorite gift. I usually feel a little sad on birthdays- this year not as much. It's always a weird feeling "losing" another year of youth, but gaining another year of age and wisdom is a blessing. I also feel a lot more excited and hopeful for the year-maybe that's what happens once you're in your 30s...?? It feels like things are just starting to get good!  


I love sharing my picks + hauls with you all! Should you click on or make a purchase through the links in this post, I'll earn some money to keep on shopping! Pretty cool, huh? :)