A new year means new book possibilities! One goal you can always find on every one of my new year's resolution lists is to read more books. Once upon a time I was an avid reader and while I still cling tightly to that title, I've really been holding on for dear life ever since my college days. Lol- the drammmaaaa. Nowadays, I'm more of a sporadic reader. Maybe I'll read one or two books one month, then nothing else for the next eight months. At some point I lost my game and now it just takes the right mood and book for me to get in flow.
I will say I did a tiny bit better in 2024- I read a total of seven books. Granted, four of the seven were Harry Potter re-reads but a win is still a win, no? Also a big improvement from the three in 2023... are you doing the math here? Lol. The sad part is also that every month without fail, I still share reading list posts just like this one like. Maybe it's my own way of trying to push myself back into it or I've just been in denial? Lol. Jokes aside- I'm working my way back and I have a plan!
I decided to be a little more specific with my goals this year and break things down monthly. For January, my goal is to just read two books. Spoiler alert- I've already finished one! Wooo hoooo. I'm adding bonus points if I can make one of them a self-help/personal growth book too, hence today's post.
I rounded up the next books on my "self-help," personal development list. A few of these have been on here awhile: The Psychology of Money and The Four Agreements. I'm also super excited for Mel Robbin's newest release: The Let Them Theory.
It should also be no surprise that although I'm not currently in my avid reader era, I never left my avid shopper era which has left me with a larger collection of unread books. We love an extra side quest so I'm also adding in a challenge to buy a few less books and read some of the unread ones I already own. From this list, I have The Psychology of Money and The Five Love Languages to dive into!
You can read the synopsis + shop each book by clicking on the title below:
+ The Let Them Theory by Mel Robbins
+ The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel
+ The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman
+ The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz