Merry Christmas Eve Eve! To kick off the holiday week, I thought I'd share a few things from my own little "Christmas list" this year. These are a few things I have my eye on for a little "to me, from me" end of the year/Christmas gift. I definitely don't need anything at all but ya'll know I loveeee to shop and browse. I'm always on the hunt for the next best thing!
If you keep up with the blog, there's also a good chance you've seen a lot of these on some of my other "what I want" posts. I would say most of these I've had on my wishlist for awhile. I usually scout out items, especially if they're on the pricier side. If I still want them after a few weeks or months and I'm in the position to buy them, then I'll end up pulling the trigger. Here are my top picks at the moment!
Cheers to a festive and fun week, xx!
I love sharing my picks + hauls with you all! Should you click on or make a purchase through the links in this post, I'll earn some money to keep on shopping! Pretty cool, huh? :)