Wednesday, December 6, 2023


Anyone else in need of a little reset right now? I know this happens to me every year but the holiday season is starting to kick my a**. Between work, the gym, trying to socialize + do all the holiday things, I'm starting to run on fumes. I mentally start to check out a little every year after Thanksgiving/Black Friday weekend but as of now, I'm *surprisingly* still in a good mood mentally. Check back in with me in another week or two, lol. 

Right now I'm definitely feeling it it more physically. I haven't been getting as much time to rest + relax which is why today I'm starting a little mid-week reset. We're also officially in cold + flu season which has hit my circle lately. I've been doing my best to stay loaded up on vitamins so we're hoping for the best. I've felt just a touch of symptoms here and there which I'm taking as a cue to slow down a bit and prioritize rest. 

Whenever I feel overwhelmed, stressed or under the weather- self care always shifts to a top priority. That's really hard sometimes, especially with all the obligations we all have. If you're in a similar place right now, here's a friendly reminder to do what you can for yourself. The rest of it will still be there when you are ready for it. 

The simple self care things always make a huge difference for me. A few prioritizes on my list for the rest of the week are first and foremost, rest. I need to up my sleep hours a bit + stop staying up so late. Whenever I think I'm coming down with something, I also find myself trying to eat a little cleaner. I don't know if it's just because I'm not as hungry or if it's just my body's intuition but I try to limit sugar + junk. Healthier protein, veggies + soups are always my go-to. I'm sure it's probably an intuition thing-- your body just knows you need a little extra TLC from the good stuff. Tonight I made a garden vegetable soup mix which was a good comfort/healthy dinner. I also enjoyed cooking at home- it was a nice change from all the recent eating out.

If I have some extra time in between rest, I also need to get on my Christmas movie marathon! I haven't had much time to watch a lot lately except for This Is Where I Leave You earlier this week. It's one of my favorite movies + feels fitting for this time of the year. I'll continue to stand on the hill that if you're in need of a little mental detox or boost, watching something you love or feel-good/funny/happy/sappy always does the trick! 

Hope you are staying sane + healthy!