Friday, November 24, 2023


What a week it has been, you guys! I made it through the day and survived, lol. If you have no idea what I'm talking about- I work in retail which puts me right in the midst of Black Friday weekend. I talked a little bit about this last week but in retail world, the holidays are like a marathon. There is so much time, preparation and energy that goes into it all- especially this week. It's definitely both mentally and physically consuming at times, however I love the excitement. I finally had a moment tonight to sit back and reflect on the week and the holiday season we're in. 

Sometimes the hustle and bustle makes it hard to fully appreciate things. It seems like there is always so much to do and get done that we focus more on the end goal than the journey. We all have different circumstances happening in our life but I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and holiday weekend. I wanted to share with you that I'm grateful to have you here and always appreciate your support. I know life can feel discouraging at times and I have my days too, however I try to keep the attitude that I can always find something to be grateful for. Regardless of the outcome, that mentally keeps me in a better place than the alternative. We're gettin' a little cheesy here but the holidays always serve as a reminder for me of that. It's like a little alarm bell goes off to pay a little bit closer attention to the good things in my life. For this holiday that consisted of a little family time, traditions and good food. Naturally I ate WAY too much but is it really Thanksgiving if you don't? Just some food for thought from me to you. 😊

Now it's time for me to rest up and do it all over again, lol. Sending you lots of relaxation, rest + hopefully leftovers for the weekend. After tomorrow, hopefully I can join you! PS- have you done any shopping? Let me know what you're buying if so- I need ideas for Christmas gifts! 

How was your Thanksgiving?