Friday, February 3, 2023


Birthday cookies from my sissy 👭

My birthday week is officially coming to a close. To say I started twenty-nine off with a bang would definitely be an understatement. Not gonna lie-- in many ways I'm glad it's over. Lol. Ya'll know the birthdays are bittersweet for me-- I still hate the aging part but who doesn't love being celebrated? Lucky me also picked up a super fun, fever-clad bug over the weekend that rained all over the birthday parade. On one hand, it definitely gave me a little bit more appreciation for my birthday this year. I would have much rather spent my time out with family instead of dying at home in my bed. Isn't it a shame that the one time you get to stay in bed all day is ruined by feeling like crap? Definitely a missed line opportunity for Alanis in "Ironic!” 

Now that I'm on the mend and almost back to feeling normal, I've been reflecting on the week and what it means adding another year under my belt. I know it's only been a few days but I always like to reflect... I think we grow up with this idea of gaining wisdom as you get older. I'm starting to realize that instead, the older I become the less I feel I know or am sure about. Maybe there's a certain age that marks a turning point on that. If so, I hope it's older than 29? Or maybe the real wisdom is the part where you realize you don't know. When you're young, you just assume you'll figure it all out when you really have no f*cking clue. Life is so fun! 

I'm at an interesting crossroads where I'm urging for change and growth. I can feel it up ahead, like I'm reaching for it but it's outside of my grasp. I can see it way way in the distance. I also feel a little trepidation. It's like a game of hot hands. There's an excitement as you sit there waiting, hands jittering. It's mixed with that fearful anticipation of getting smacked and losing. But it's also fun? You know you need to keep walking but your feet aren't sure which path to take. Very philosophical stuff here, you guys.  

On a real note, it must be a growing pain or a quarter-life crisis. I think my goal for 29 is to just keep pushing forward towards the growth and change, even when it feels uncomfortable or scary. Everyone tells you to do that-- "get comfortable in the uncomfortable," but it doesn't make it any less easy. 

As always, I'll let you know when I get to the other side! 

What are you up to this weekend?