Friday, September 16, 2022


It's time for our monthly round-up of the most popular blog posts here on TKD. These posts have been a popular new addition to the blog over the last few months + I'm really glad you like them! I've been seeing a mix of both new + old uploads in the top five so it's a great way to catch up on new, "new to you" or some older posts. I also like to see what you have been reading lately too ;) Here's what made the cut this month: 


1. WHAT I WANT FOR FALL - A newbie!! I'm stoked that I can start sharing fall content and my first post of the season-- What I Want for Fall-- made it into the list. My wishlists are constantly changing + growing (lol, are we surprised?) so making and sharing the "What I Want" posts is a lot of fun. This one in particular has a mix of fall fashion staples, beauty + accessories. 


2. FALL SNEAKERS I'M LOVING RIGHT NOW - I've been on a new sneaker kick lately. I've added both these On Clouds and this pair of HOKAs to my collection which I think was a fire starter, lol. Upgrading my old shoes to these has made a huge difference + now I feel like I need an entire collection of fun options. I'm very active too so style + functionality are both a must. 

Read here: Fall Sneakers I'm Loving Right Now

3. OURA RING UNBOXING - Back in the top five is my Oura Ring Unboxing. The Oura Ring is a sleep tracking device that provides data on how you sleep, ways you can improve + more. I've been working on improving my sleeping habits and score (calculated by the ring based on all different factors) and so far I love it. If you also struggle with sleep, it's definitely worth looking into.


Read here: Oura Ring Unboxing 

4. BOOKS IN MY CART | BUY 2, GET 1 FREE SALE - For my fellow book worms. Every once in awhile this store has a big sale on books (buy 2, get 1 free). Right now there isn't a sale, however the post has a lot of books that I have had on my wishlist or have purchased lately. 


Read here: Books in My Cart | Buy 2, Get 1 Free Sale 

5. WEEKLY CRUMBL | 8.17.22 - Ya'll are enabling the infamous Crumbl Cookies reviews, lol. I will say I've proudly skipped the past several weeks, hehe. I'm also not very impressed by the current week's except for the Banana Cream Pie... the Banana Pudding cookie is one of my all-time faves so I feel like I have to get one. One week that WAS good was this Weekly Crumbl which we all clearly agree on! ;)  

Read here: Weekly Crumbl | 8.17.22

What are your favorite blog posts to read?

I love sharing my picks with you all! Should you click on or make a purchase through the links in this post, I'll earn some money to keep on shopping! Pretty cool, huh? :)