Wednesday, January 12, 2022


Full outfit details are linked in this post + my Winter Weather Essentials

We're officially in snow season here in Tennessee. We don't get a ton where I live, just enough for the city to be prepared and equipped to handle most of what comes our way. That means we don't see many snow days... womp womp womp. It's pretty rare to have everything shut down, however every once in awhile we get lucky! Anytime they call for snow, the kid in me still always wishes for a snow day. Is there anything better than waking up and getting to stay home? Not having work is the adult version of not having school! There's definitely a nostalgic excitement about it. In honor of what will *hopefully* be a future snow day for me, here are some of the best snow day activities for when you're stuck at home. PS- what's the most snow you've ever gotten? One time in college we had 14-16 inches! I was stuck for days!

+ PLAY IN THE SNOW - If you're brave enough to go out in the cold, playing in the snow is one of the best ways to spend the day. I use to love making snow angels and sledding as a kid! We had some crazy hills in our neighborhood growing up that were the hot spots for all of the kids on snow days. Nowadays I tend to stay indoors but the pups love to go out and play! 

+ WATCH MOVIES - My favorite thing during a winter wonderland is cozying up inside. I love to watch the snow come down but stay comfy and warm. It's also the perfect excuse to relax and be lazy, no? My go-to on snow days is to binge watch movies or tv shows in bed or on the couch all day. I like to crank up my space heater, put on some fuzzy socks and snack on junk food. You get a free pass while stuck at home!

+ GAMES/PUZZLES - If you need some group activities, board games and puzzles are usually time consuming which is great when you're stuck inside for awhile. They also normally require more critical thinking and strategy if you're not down to Netflix and chill all day. My sister does a lot of game nights with her friends and I've heard they love playing this one + this one.

+ COOK + BAKE - If there's enough snow for a snow day, you can bet I'm not going anywhere. Because I'm always on the go and eat a lot of meals out, I love having the opportunity to cook or bake something yummy at home. Soup + grilled cheese is one of my favorite things to eat and make on a snow day. It's warm, homey and delicious! You just can't beat it IMO. 

+ READ A BOOK - If you need a break from the game playing or marathoning (or let's be real-- from everyone else), cracking open a good book is always a great idea. You can still snuggle up in bed all day + relax which is a win win. Also making a hot cup of tea, a bubble bath or lighting a candle really sets the mood.

How's the weather right now where you live? 

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