Monday, October 4, 2021


Growing up, I can remember having those Sunday night feelings of dread about going back to school on Monday. For most of us, that feeling is probably still all too familiar now when it comes to starting the work week over. I know I'm guilty of this at times-- Mondays tend to be hectic and have me playing catch up all day + trying to get back into the swing of things. For some reason I tend to feel more tired too, probably from staying up later + not sleeping in as much as I use to. Anyone else in the same boat? I LOVE to sleep in but now I wake up earlier or at my normal week time. Despite all of these things, I love the idea of being a "Monday person" and it's something I strive to do! Here are some tips + things I find helpful to make Mondays amazing (or at least bearable!).



Something that really helps me is creating a to-do list and my intentions for the week. Work and the normal day to day tends to stay the same, however I like to go over any goals or extra tasks. Things like work projects, errands, events, etc. that I want to accomplish or have coming up during the week. Not only does it mentally prepare you for Monday (and the rest of the week) by being aware of what's on your schedule, you're also more likely to be productive + get things done. Going into the week with a lot on your plate is usually stressful and overwhelming but planning it all out helps to reduce that + make things feel more manageable. That also gives you the opportunity to have a more optimistic outlook. If you set the tone for a
positive + productive week, you're much more likely to have one! 


Preparing for the start of the week on Sunday night can be a huge time saver + make the day go smoother. This can include things like picking out your outfit, meal prepping, making + packing lunches or loading up the car. Most of these things only take a few minutes to do, however can avoid a lot of extra stress the morning of if you're pinched for time or running late. 


If you dread or have anxiety from Mondays, try creating something fun to look forward to either during or at the end of the day. This could be treating yourself to lunch out, picking up takeout for dinner or having a relaxing movie night at home. It doesn't have to cost you anything or be super expensive, just something you look forward to that will keep you excited about the day.


I think we'd all agree that relaxing over the weekend is a lot more fun than doing chores, however having clean clothes to wear + a tidy space can start the week off right. I try to spend a little bit of time on Sundays doing some laundry, changing my sheets or picking things up. Everything feels more organized and creates less stress going into the week. I also sleep better on fresh sheets! 


On the topic of sleep, feeling extra rested can make a big difference in your mood and outlook throughout the day. I need to be better at doing this more often, however I try making a point to wind down + go to bed a little bit earlier on Sunday nights.  

What's your favorite day of the week?