Tuesday, January 8, 2019


Well all have them. Today was one for me. I feel strange saying "Today was a bad day." I'm a firm believer in practicing and preaching positivity so it kind of feels like admitting defeat. I'm sure that's a little dramatic, but I try my best to always focus on the good. Today that was harder than usual. 

I woke up in a bad mood. Just out of nowhere, I was irritable. I honestly couldn't tell you why. There wasn't anything that happened or caused me to feel that way, I just was. I felt blah. Since I had the day off from work,  I had a pretty long "to-do" list. Off days are my days to get sh*t done. Errands, laundry, whatever. I didn't feel like doing any of it. I wanted to but I also didn't. After bumming around the house for a few hours, I felt even worse for bumming around. I tried shooting photos for a blog post. Things weren't turning out well. My frustration grew. Could the day get any worse?! Could I be anymore dramatic?? Something I've come to understand over the years is that you get what you give. A negative mindset results in a negative outcome. A positive outlook results in a positive outcome. The more I dwelled on it being a bad day, the worst it got. "Thunder only happens when it's raining." Stevie is pretty smart, you guys. 

Around 4 o'clock, it was time to snap out of it. I forced myself to start doing something so I cleaned. I changed my sheets and vacuumed. Cleaning up around my bedroom slowly cleaned up my attitude. I decided that tomorrow will be better. I know this because it always is. You forget that in the moment. It's easy to get caught up in the "today sucks" mindset. That's totally normal. I think it's okay to have days like today. We're all just people. No one is perfect, we just try to be and do the best we can. 

Right now it's 10:54pm and I'm thankful for having this bad day. I'm thankful that in reality, my bad day really isn't so bad in the grand scheme of things. I needed to have it in order to remember that. I'm also thankful for the inspiration this bad day gave me to write this blog post. After dinner, the title "Bad Day" and "blog post" popped into my head. It's not my personality to talk about my emotions (I honestly feel weird even saying that!) but I felt like I needed to write out my thoughts. I guess emotional day, emotional Kristen. I know this isn't a groundbreaking post or topic, just a little reminder from me to you. Life can kick your booty sometimes. Whether you're just having an off day like me or going through something, hang in there. It's okay to have an off day or week, we all have them. Acknowledge the bad days and leave them behind tomorrow. "When the rain washes you clean, you'll know."

