Wednesday, February 6, 2019


I'm so excited to be sharing my first book review on the blog today! One of my New Year's Resolutions for 2019 is to read at least one book every month. I'm working towards a lot of my goals this year and as a result, have added several inspiring/"self help" books to my reading list. I thought it would be helpful to do a book review at the end of each month recapping what I've read. My first read of the year was You are a Badass by Jen Sincero!

I love sharing reviews with you all. Should you click on or make a purchase through the links in this post, I'll earn some money to keep on shopping! Pretty neat, huh? :)


In this refreshingly entertaining how-to guide, bestselling author and world-traveling success coach, Jen Sincero, serves up 27 bitesized chapters full of hilariously inspiring stories, sage advice, easy exercises, and the occasional swear word, helping you to: Identify and change the self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviors that stop you from getting what you want, Create a life you totally love. And create it NOW, Make some damn money already. The kind you've never made before.
By the end of You Are a Badass, you'll understand why you are how you are, how to love what you can't change, how to change what you don't love, and how to use The Force to kick some serious ass.

Available at: Amazon || iTunes // Target // Urban Outfitters // Walmart

I am really into this, you guys! You Are a Badass left me feeling inspired and ready to accomplish the sh*t out of my goals. Jen Sincero shares a wide variety of topics and advice centered around creating success, believing in yourself and having a positive mindset. If you're familiar with The Secret by Rhonda Byrne or the Law of Attraction, this book has a lot of similar ideas and principles. 

Having a positive mindset and believing both in your worth and yourself were some of the main takeaways I received from this book. It's easy to doubt yourself and get discouraged and I love that You Are a Badass teaches you how you can reach and obtain your goals. It focuses a lot on loving yourself and that you hold the ability to create the life you want to have (you just have to go out and do it).

The book also touches on the specifics of goal setting and taking action. I really loved the emphasis that was placed on getting started and just doing something. I have definitely been guilty of paralysis by analysis and often get overwhelmed by the "big picture" or magnitude of my goals. The book stresses the importance of not worrying about the exact way to begin or trying to be too perfect and guides you on how to start and get the ball rolling.

I also love the importance placed on having gratitude within your life. Whether you're happy with where you're at or are hoping for more out of life, Jen shares how to be grateful for the present as well as all that will come in the future. She gives great advice on how to develop gratitude and maintain it on a daily basis.

If you're struggling with where you're at in life and/or have dreams to do and be more, I highly recommend checking You Are a Badass out. It's relatable, funny and inspiring. It left me feeling excited and hopeful for the future which I feel very grateful for. Can you tell I'm embracing my gratitude? ;) It might be a little cheesy but if you need a little push I'm hoping this post will inspire you to check out the book!

Let me know if you all have any book recommendations! 




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